Coordinating committee

Find contact information for who you need to talk to on the coordinating committee.
Bradley Dougherty, OD, PhD
College of Optometry
Bradley Dougherty
Kynthia Droesch, MSEd
College of Public Health
Executive Director
Health Sciences Center for Global Health
Rebecca Garabed, VMD, MPVM, PhD
College of Veterinary Medicine
Rebecca Garabed, VMD, MPVM, PhD is the Vet Med liaison to global health.
Anne Kloos, PT, PhD, NCS
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Anne Kloos
Dianne Morrison-Beedy, PhD, RN, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN
College of Nursing
Dianne Morrison-Beedy
Administrative Director
Health Sciences Center for Global Health
Dimitris Tatakis, DDS, PhD
College of Dentistry
Dimitris Tatakis, DDS, PhD