The Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Global Health (GISGH) is a university-wide program that offers current Ohio State graduate and professional students advanced educational opportunities in the field of global health. The goal of the GISGH is to help prepare graduates to be active participants in the advancement of global health through academic enrichment, service-learning and research pertaining to issues of global health.
Specialization in Global Health
Learn more about the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Global Health, and the guidelines and requirements necessary to complete the specialization.
Program description
The specialization's core class focuses on the basic components of population health, while the electives allow students to pursue topics across the other health sciences colleges for an interdisciplinary experience. Students are exposed to a broad range of topics and must successfully complete a minimum of 10 semester hours of course work, nine of which must be completed outside of the student’s home program in at least four courses and from two or more colleges, for the specialization to be noted on their transcript.
Objectives of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Global Health
- To provide graduate and professional students access to interdisciplinary study in global health issues.
- To offer students the opportunity to gain specific expertise in the unique challenges of health care in the developing world and among immigrant populations both domestically and abroad.
- To provide formal recognition of such study on the student's transcript upon completion.
Guidelines and requirements
Specialization guidelines
- Students must be enrolled in a graduate or professional program at Ohio State
- Units needed to complete the GISGH vary by college but require at least four courses and 10 credit hours (units)
- Classes taken must come from at least two or more graduate programs (colleges) outside the student’s major graduate program.
- At least 9 credit hours (units) of course work must come from outside the student's home college/program
- Credit hours can include work already required as part of the student's degree program
- The student must receive a grade of "B" or better or "S" in each course
- Some colleges require a field experience. These hours do not count toward the 10-hour curriculum requirement.
Curriculum requirements
Introduction to Global Health
All students enrolled in the GISGH must take Introduction to Global Health. This is a 2-credit-hour (unit) course offered once annually by the College of Public Health (CPH). It is recommended, but not required, that this course be taken first.
Master List of Classes
All classes that count toward the specialization must come from the Master List of Classes.
Discipline-specific classes and field experiences
Some of the participating colleges have specific class work and field experience requirements for students in their college.